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health unscripted
In this podcast we’ll talk all things health, but with an unfiltered twist! My name is Dr. Ashley Dwyer and I am a pharmacist and health coach passionate in holistic health and wellness. I’m tired of all the BS health info floating around the web, so I’m going to do my best to educate and entertain the masses!

This week we’re chatting more about Men’s Health with the Queen, herself! Not only is Ali a great friend of mine, she’s also my own personal health coach! I wanted to get her on the show so we could dive into TRT myths for men, stigmas around estrogen blockers, and how men should actually be prepping their bodies for testosterone therapy if that’s the route they want to go!
Ep. 42 - stirring the pot with fropro creator, matt williams
Back for another week with a new guest on the podcast, FroPro creator, Matt Williams! If you have no idea what a FroPro is, go google it immediately and order it from amazon because they are delicious snack bars in tons of different flavors! In this episode we will cover…
Ep. 41 - my honest thoughts on intuitive eating.
Let’s dive into intuitive eating! In this episode I explain what intuitive actually is and what it means, not just what the internet thinks it means. I also go over the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating and give my honest thoughts on the process!
Ep. 39 - meet coach launa!
It’s time we add some guests to this podcast, dont you think?! I’ve been thinking of adding guests for awhile now, and who better to start with than my team! Up first: Coach Launa! We had such a blast recording this episode and we hope you like it, too.
Ep. 38 - is alcohol really that bad for us?
I’m calling it now – this is going to be everyone’s least favorite episode! (sorry, but not sorry!) If you’re working towards any health goals, alcohol is surely going to throw a wrench in your plans…
Ep. 37 - Instagram Q&A Session!
This week I wanted to answer some questions from instagram! I posted a question box and a link for anonymous questions – here’s what we got! In this episode, we start out with all things health, then end with personal stuff!
EP 36 - 12 Things I Learned Going Semi-viral on Facebook #PBGate
This week’s episode brought to you by a harmless reel (or so I thought) about peanut butter that I posted over a month ago on all my socials. It is STILL going and gaining traction on Facebook, which is WILD to me. Tune in to see why!
EP. 35 - Interested vs. Committed, and how to make the switch
When consulting prospective clients, I ask them two questions: #1: What is your goal? #2: How important is it for you to reach this goal? Spoiler alert: We only want to work with those committed to making their goals come to life!
Ep. 34 - Fad Diets Exposed: KETO
This week we’re diving into The Ketogenic Diet: what it is, how it works, why it’s so popular, side effects, and long term data. Again, these are my opinions on the diet, but I do present current health data! 🙂
Ep. 33 - Fad Diets Exposed: Optavia
I’m going to go ahead and do a series titled, “Fad Diets Exposed”, so that I have a place to refer people to for more in depth info on the different fad diets that are out there! First up – Optavia! Reminder, these are my opinions!
Ep. 32- Reverse Diets: What, Why, Who, And Are They Necessary?
Truthfully, this podcast should have been done a LONG, LONG time ago! But, here we are. I think it’s actually a good thing I waited, because I was able to include new data about whether or not reverse dieting is even necessary!
Ep. 31 - Endocrine Disruptors - Should I Be Worried?
In this episode, I go over what EDC’s are, how they affect the body, where you can find them, and changes you can make right now to limit your exposure! I personally try to limit my exposure as best as I can since I have a thyroid issue!
Ep. 30- 7 Things I've Learned From Hiring A Coach
In this episode, I go over what EDC’s are, how they affect the body, where you can find them, and changes you can make right now to limit your exposure! I personally try to limit my exposure as best as I can since I have a thyroid issue!
Ep. 29- 10 Things I’ve Learned On My Health & Fitness Journey
This week we are taking a deep dive into the 10 things I’ve learned the last 12 years on my personal health journey. I could have listed 50, but for the sake of this episode, I narrowed it down to 10!
Ep. 28-It’s Not Your Hormones That Are Keeping You From Losing Weight - Pt. 2
This week we are taking a deep dive into the 10 things I’ve learned the last 12 years on my personal health journey. I could have listed 50, but for the sake of this episode, I narrowed it down to 10!
Ep. 27-The Hardest 8.5lbs I've Gained In My Life
What’s up, y’all! First things first, I want to give you the link to register for my free webinar on January 31st – Conquering the Female Metabolism: Strategies for Stubborn Fat Loss! We will be diving into SO MUCH GOOD stuff, allowing you to come out with new ways to tackle your health goals! Click here to snag your spot!
Ep. 26-It's Not Your Hormones That Are Keeping You From Losing Weight - Pt. 1
This is part one of how your hormones aren’t the one you should be blaming for your inability to lose weight. Instead, you should be blaming your habits and lifestyle choices because these are what are causing your hormones to be in disarray. In part one (this podcast), I’ll be going over how your diet and dietary choices are impacting your hormones and what you can do to change this.
Ep. 25-Setting S.M.A.R.T.E.R Goals for 2023
It’s that time of year! Whether 2022 was your greatest year ever, you want to leave it behind as quickly as possible, or anything in between, we all get a chance to start fresh in 2023. Whether you believe in New Year’s Resolutions or not, you’re still going to want this framework for setting any and all goals in your future! Maybe you’ve heard of SMART goals, but I’m going to teach you how to be SmartER 😉

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